It may be getting chilly up in Madison, Wisconsin but for this campus team, things are just heating up. Check out how these #BossBabes are running this midwestern town.
PS. Curtsy is live at UW-Madison. Curtsy lets you rent dresses, rompers and two pieces from fashionistas at your school. Browse, rent and post your own to make extra CA$H.
Campus Director Mackenzi Dow, Instagram Manager Gabby Medved and Events Manager Zoe Sweeney see Curtsy as an opportunity to bring affordable fashion to their community.
We strongly believe that Curtsy will make our big campus feel smaller. Curtsy helps create a community for us girls on campus, we are all on this app communicating and looking through each other’s closets. We are basically all best friends already!

What is your favorite thing about the University of Wisconsin?
I absolutely love the location of our school. It’s placed between two lakes that give it the best atmosphere. Everyone is always outside enjoying our beautiful campus!

How did you hear about Curtsy?
One of my childhood best friends goes to University of South Carolina and Curtsy is everything there! I always thought it was such a good idea and I was envious when I had nothing to wear to socials freshman year. – Zoe
I first heard about Curtsy through Instagram and then found out a few of my friends at other schools had already been using the app, which was honestly super cool. – Mackenzi

How would you describe your style and where do you get your inspirations?
I would describe my style as comfortable city. I love wearing comfortable and functional clothes but get a lot of inspiration from the city look. I’ve always been attracted to the more casual yet classy look.
Why did you want to bring Curtsy to your school?
We wanted to bring Curtsy to our campus because we believe it’s important for girls to know that fashion can be affordable. There is no reason you should feel like you can’t be just as trendy as the girls around you, we should ALL be killing it ALL of the time.
Why do you think girls will go Crazy for Curtsy on campus?
Girls on campus will go crazy for Curtsy because of the variety on the app! The girls here all have such different personalities and styles, so it will be fun for everyone to try on dresses they may have been hesitant to buy online.
PS. Check out the team’s killer closets! Download Curtsy and rent from them.
Use UWMADISON for 10% off your rental this week.
Curtsy lets you rent dresses, rompers and two pieces from fashionistas at your school. Browse, rent and post your own to make extra CA$H.