This week only: 50% of all Curtsy orders will be donated to the #Girlboss Foundation.

If you’ve been reading this blog for a while you know we love the term Girlboss. But do you know where it came from? Sophia Amoruso, founder of Nasty Gal, came up with it, and if you don’t know her, you should.
After dropping out of school and moving to San Francisco at 22, Sophia started selling vintage clothing on Ebay while bored at her job checking ID’s in the lobby of an art school. Today, the company does $250 million a year in sales and is growing fast.
What makes someone a Girlboss? According to Sophia, A Girlboss is…
Someone who is in charge of her own life. She gets what she wants because she works for it. As a #GIRLBOSS, you take control and accept responsibility. You’re a fighter—you know when to throw punches and when to roll with them…