Curtsy News

Have Your Cake And Eat It Too. Meet Curtsy’s Sh*t Happens Coverage

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What happens when someone spills cake or pours champagne on your dress? Don’t worry, that’s why we have the “Sh*t Happens” coverage.

Curtsy News

10 Photos That Will Make You Book A Flight To Barcelona ✈️


Warning!- Reading this will induce some serious wanderlust. Yin Agbontaen gives us a peek of her Spanish summer adventures.

Curtsy News

Get On The List For Curtsy, Win $500 To REVOLVE Clothing

The newest version of Curtsy is launching at your school soon, are you on the list yet? Here’s how to get early access and win $500 to shop at Revolve.

  1. Enter your email in the box below to get on the list for Curtsy at your school
  2. Share this post on Facebook
  3. Invite your friends using your personal link

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xoxo, Team Curtsy

Giveaway ends midnight Friday 7/22 Pacific Time. Winner will be announced Saturday 7/23.

What Is Curtsy? ?

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From Stark Vegas To Las Vegas: Kelsie Plays for Keeps


Girls trip to Vegas? Our Curtsy #GirlBoss Kelsie Bynum tells us how to make an epic trip to Sin City.

#GirlBoss Guide

Greer Andrews Is Bringing Back Snail Mail


Curtsy loves when women take their fun ideas and become entrepreneurs. Meet the real life #GirlBoss behind Happy Notes by Greer.

Have you heard of Curtsy? We’re launching at your school soon.

#GirlBoss Guide Fashionista of the Week Guest Post

Alli’s 6 Reasons To Invest In Your Closet

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If you aren’t going to invest in your clothes, who is going to invest in you? #GirlBoss Alli Bridgers gives us 6 tips to help our closets transition into this thing called “adulthood.” 

#GirlBoss Guide Fashionista of the Week

Work The Look: Amanda Tells Us How To Dress For Success

amanda grass

Admit it. Dressing for work can be as boring as eating oatmeal for breakfast. Thankfully, we have #GirlBoss Amanda Jones to tell us how to dress for success without compromising on style.

Don’t Have Our App Yet?
Download Curtsy to borrow Amanda’s looks and hundreds more!


#CurtsyGivesBack #GirlBoss Guide Curtsy News

Here’s How These 7 Incredible Women Are Spending Their Summer

You always hear about the Power Women: the celebrities, the models, the world leaders, and the Instagram famous stars who take selfies with detox teas. But at Curtsywe know influence and fame are not the same thing. Here’s how some of Curtsy’s power women are truly impacting the world this summer. You might not know who they are yet, but you definitely should.

#GirlBoss Guide Curtsy News

We’re Hiring A Marketing Lead


Location: Mountain View, CA
Start Date: August 1, 2016


What It Means To Be A #GirlBoss, And Other Lessons From Nasty Gal Founder Sophia Amoruso

This week only: 50% of all Curtsy orders will be donated to the #Girlboss Foundation.

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If you’ve been reading this blog for a while you know we love the term Girlboss. But do you know where it came from? Sophia Amoruso, founder of Nasty Gal, came up with it, and if you don’t know her, you should.

After dropping out of school and moving to San Francisco at 22, Sophia started selling vintage clothing on Ebay while bored at her job checking ID’s in the lobby of an art school. Today, the company does $250 million a year in sales and is growing fast.

What makes someone a Girlboss? According to Sophia, A Girlboss is…

Someone who is in charge of her own life. She gets what she wants because she works for it. As a #GIRLBOSS, you take control and accept responsibility. You’re a fighter—you know when to throw punches and when to roll with them…