#GreenQueen INSPO Wellness

5 New Year’s Resolutions for a Sustainable 2023

We’ve all been caught in the cycle of forgetting about New Year’s resolutions soon after making them. This year, we’re creating goals based on sustainable values that are much more exciting (and rewarding) to keep up with 💚. Planet-friendly New Year’s resolutions can help you flex your creativity, gain knowledge, and help reduce emissions and clothing waste. Kick off the New Year with a closet clear-out, and use the sustainable resolutions below as a starting point to extend the life cycle of your closet.

Hold a Clothing Swap with your Community 👯‍♀️

Clothing swaps are the perfect opportunity to connect with your community and add some cute new pieces to your wardrobe. Swaps can range from a small group of friends having a home-cooked meal together and trading clothes from their closets, to a large event that helps out those in need of warm clothes for the winter. You can even make a pact with your fam to bring extra clothes to family parties to trade (or hand down to younger ones). No matter the size or intention of your swap, have some fun with it – flex your design skills by creating an event flyer for social media, create a playlist, and set up some food and drinks ♥️.

Clear out your Closet to Sell Second-Hand 👗

The best part of selling second-hand is knowing for sure that a piece you no longer want is going into the hands of someone who wants or needs it – and can easily pass it on in the future. One of the best ways to resell consistently is by doing recurring closet cleanouts. This gives you the chance to slow down and decide which items you’d like to let go of or add to your wardrobe (plus it keeps your space less cluttered✨). As a seller, you can try challenging yourself to use sustainable shipping practices, like reusing packaging you already have or adding thank you notes for buyers on recycled paper ♻️.

Mend your Clothes 🪡

The longer you have a piece of clothing, the more wear and tear it may get, but that doesn’t mean it’s time to toss or donate it! There are so many ways to mend your clothes, from getting them fixed at a tailor to learning how to sew so you can fix holes and tears yourself! To avoid having to do too much damage control, take a little extra time to give your clothes some TLC from the time you first get them. One of the easiest ways to start doing this is to learn how to read clothing care labels (because who can really tell what those random shapes and symbols actually mean?) Once your clothing can’t take any more washes, consider upcycling it into something like a purse or reusing the fabric for cleaning (or even a fabric art project ).

Upcycle your Old Threads 🎨

Upcycling – which is basically giving unused materials new life/value –  is the perfect way to let your creativity shine. One quick scroll through upcycling TikTok will start you off with tons of inspiration, and you’ll never look at the old fabrics, charms, and unworn clothes you have laying around the house the same! A lot of upcycled items with parts from brands like LV and Chanel can be found on Curtsy, but you don’t have to have a luxury element in the upcycled pieces you create. By upcycling, you can keep finished products from ending up as waste, and add your own twist for a whole new design 🪡💛.

Try out Sustainable Brands ♻️

To help keep your sustainable habits going past New Years, keep yourself up to date on sustainability in the fashion world. On top of doing your own research, it also helps to read articles and purchase clothing (secondhand is even better, of course) from sustainable brands like Patagonia and Levis. The people behind these brands are dedicating endless hours towards being industry leaders in sustainability. On their websites, some brands like Patagonia have environmental activism sections about their values, opportunities to get involved in environmental groups, and inspirational stories from activists around the world 🌎.

From the closet of a friend, to a unique upcycled accessory, to the Curtsy feed, there’s always more life to give to your clothes ✨

#extendthetrend INSPO Selling with Curtsy Wellness

Quick Guide to a Winter Closet Clean Out

Who says you have to save your big closet clean out until Spring? The sun is officially setting later each day, so it’s the perfect time to take advantage of the burst of energy that comes with a bit of extra daylight! ✨

I have three easy steps you can follow to clean out your closet for this Winter season AND help you play your part in circular fashion* for years to come (*a sustainable approach to fashion where clothes are reused and recycled in endless amounts of ways, instead of throwing them away). ♻️

🔎 Figure out what’s already working

Imagine your closet as a place you can emerge from each day with a layer of armor that helps you take on the world  💪. I know that might seem impossible with a prom dress stuffed in the corner, or an old winter coat blocking the flared corduroy pants you just bought – but that’s all background noise for now! Time to take a deep breath and figure out what does work first. 

First, ask yourself how you want to look and feel this season, and set aside the basics and classics that’ll fulfill that vision 👁️‍🗨️. Now comes the fun part – what are some unique gems buried in your closet that will show the world your outfits are made for you and no one else? Set these aside too! (Need some help? Make a 2022 vision board).

The answers might come right away – but if they don’t, you can always keep mental notes over a week or two on the pieces you are drawn to/wear the most, and set those aside in your closet 💭

💚 Make your space sustainable

If anything is constant, it’s change, but creating a space where you can cycle through changes and evolve will help you stay grounded for the long run. To keep the closet clean out momentum going throughout the year (and the year after that 🤩), try setting aside an area for all things resell. This could be a section of your closet, a corner of a room, or even an attic space, where you go to decide what you want to donate, resell, and buy for yourself. You can set up some warm lighting, a full-length mirror to try out different looks (and model items to list on Curtsy! 📸), and a cozy chair or floor pillow to pack up your sales and browse for those hidden gems (bonus points if you call this your Curtsy Corner 😉).

💎 Thrift Your Dream Closet

At this point, you probably can’t wait to level up your winter wardrobe with key pieces – like the perfect pair of platform Converse to go with your distressed dad jeans. But after taking inventory of what works, note what’s desperately needed. Maybe you’re way more comfortable in oversized denim this year instead of bombers. 

Made it a goal to work out more? Why not treat yourself to Lululemon leggings in your favorite color? Or maybe you’ve picked up painting again and want a cute patterned bandana to keep your hair out of your eyes while you focus. Whichever items you end up thrifting, they’ll mean a lot to the person you’re working hard each day to become 🎇

By cleaning out the old and creating a closet space you want to keep going back to, you’ll turn sustainable fashion into a practice for life 🌍💙

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INSPO Wellness

10 Inspiring Quotes for 2022

A big part of manifesting your dreams is speaking them into existence. There is power in words. Here are 10 inspiring quotes to motivate you to realize your dreams, empower you to achieve them and do you along the way. 2022 is sure to be your best year yet, Curtsy Babe! See a quote that sticks out to you? Share the wisdom with your friends.

image of inspirational quote that says your whole life can change in a year, make it this one
Your whole life can change in a year, make it this one

image of inspirational quote that says this is the perfect time to forget your past, forgive yourself and begin again
This is the perfect time to forget your past, forgive yourself and begin again

image of inspirational quote that says your glow up will be hard for some people to watch
Your glow up will be hard for some people to watch. Glow anyway

image of inspirational quote that says when your peace is your highest priority, your choices become a lot more clear
When your peace is your highest priority, your choices become a lot more clear

image of inspirational quote that says waste less, thrift more
2022 mood: Waste less, thrift more

image of inspirational quote that says you feel unsettled because you know you are meant for more
You feel unsettled because you know you are meant for more

image of inspirational quote that says you’re not required to remain the version of yourself that is everyone is used to
You’re not required to remain the version of yourself that is everyone is used to

image of inspirational quote that says live what you love
Live what you love

image of inspirational quote from Toni Morrison that says you are not the work you do
You are not the work you do; you are the person you are.
– Toni Morrison

inspirational quote that says Someday you will meet the happiest version of yourself
Someday you will meet the happiest version of yourself…
and it will be worth it

Sources: @realjayblessed, @businesswifey, @consciousconversations__

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INSPO Wellness

How to Make a 2022 ✨Vision Board ✨

If 2021 taught us anything at Curtsy, it was that if you manifest hard enough, write down your goals and keep a positive attitude, your dreams can become reality. 2022 can really be YOUR YEAR if you start it off right! With the New Year quickly approaching, now is the time to start thinking about how you’ll create your 2022 Vision Board. We’ve got all the answers for the Curtsy community to manifest all your dreams and goals in 2022!

✍️ Write down your personal goals for the year

To start off your 2022 vision board, you are going to want to take note of all the ideas, goals and dreams you’d like to achieve in the new year. Personal, financial, educational/career and social are great places to start! Decide on the ones that are the most achievable and highlight them.

📸 Create a “2022” board on Pinterest to add photos that align with your goals

Head over to your Pinterest account, create a 2022 board and start adding photos, quotes and ideas that align with your goals list. Pick a color scheme and images that are different sizes to create a true collage. Next, download the photos that you want to piece together!

Download a collage app 

Use a free app like Canva or Picsart where you can create a collage on a blank canvas. Resize the images however you like, then save your final collage in 16:9 ratio for your phone wallpaper!

🎉 Make the collage your wallpaper & take on 2022!

Now you are all ready to take on the New Year with your goals, ideas and dreams at the forefront. 2022 is your oyster so put your new vision board everywhere and keep manifesting the year ahead!’

🔮 Need some more inspo?
Here are a couple of my vision mood boards:

2021 nikki paige mood board

Check out the Curtsy 2022 Vision Board:

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