#GirlBoss Guide

Beat the Heat While Still Remaining FLAWLESS

Guide to Rush Cropped

Be prepared. The South is H-O-T.  Running from one sorority house to the next is draining, which calls for extra grooming.  No worries, here are a few secrets.

#GirlBoss Guide

No, Looking Cute Isn’t the Most Important Thing During Rush

Guide to Rush Cropped

Rush week is about you. Enjoy it! Set aside any rumors or horror stories. Sit back, relax, and soak up being a queen for a week.

Fashionista of the Week

Haley Vassios Is A Fashion Icon, And You Cannot Tell Me Otherwise


Despite having an obsession with her hot pink fishnet tights as a child, Haley is the fashion forward friend every girl needs.

Fashionista of the Week

Who Says Your Mom Can’t Be Your Best Friend? Meet Hunter and Mrs. Melissa.


For Hunter and her mom, celebrity makeup artist Melissa Schleicher, the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. Her secret, according to Hunter? Humility, respect, and remembering where you started.

Fashionista of the Week

Art With Heart: Emory Ryals Is Changing The World, One Canvas At A Time


If it’s a sunny day in Oxford, Mississippi, there’s no doubt this artist is outside spreading her joy with others.

Fashionista of the Week

Courtney Luber Proves There’s More to Being a Rally Cat Than Just Dancing


Performing in front of 80,000 Clemson fans, teaching girls how to dance, tutoring children outside of the classroom…

All. Before. Noon.

This #GirlBoss knows how to W-O-R-K.