For Hunter and her mom, celebrity makeup artist Melissa Schleicher, the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. Her secret, according to Hunter? Humility, respect, and remembering where you started.
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Meet Mrs. Melissa and her daughter, Hunter Schleicher.
Chances are you’ve seen Carrie Underwood walk the red carpet and your jaw dropped instantly as you tried to formulate the word– FLAWLESS. We recently met the originator behind Nashville’s most gorgeous social elites, including her very own daughter and recent blogger and fashionista, Hunter Schleicher.

Mrs. Melissa dropped out of high school at an early age, got her own place and instantly started working. She had to work two jobs to put herself through beauty school.
Paying for my own school while working two jobs made me become a determined person and truly taught me the importance of hard work. I just kept pushing along. Having my daughter, Hunter, at 19 made me want to work harder to create a great life for her.
Mrs. Melissa didn’t like school. Instead, she preferred to practice hair and makeup on her Barbie, mannequin heads, and neighbors down the street.
A family friend worked at Covergirl and brought her damaged makeup every Friday to add to her collection. Over twenty years later, she is still obsessed with makeup.
I dropped out of high school at age 16 and immediately went to beauty school. A secret some people don’t know about me is that I actually failed my first beauty school exam. This just shows that you should never give up on something you love.
After graduating beauty school, Mrs. Melissa worked at a salon in Nashville. Here, she began doing freelance work where she started to gain recognition and work with artists such as Alan Jackson, Lee Ann Womack, and Patty Loveless. Years later, she began working with Carrie Underwood. She’s currently Carrie Underwood’s makeup artist and has been since the singer won American Idol in 2005.
Mrs. Melissa owns three businesses in Brentwood: Parlour 3, a full service salon; Hunter Paige by Parlour 3, a full service salon and bridal suite; and Barbour 3, a men’s grooming lounge. She’s currently working on Hair Me Downs, a nonprofit organization that provides wigs for women who lost their hair during chemotherapy.
It has been such a fun ride, and I can’t wait to see where my future takes me. One day, I would love to launch my own makeup line, but I just need to find time to do this within my busy schedule!
Q: What are some of your most rewarding parts of your career?
I always love seeing my work in the media, whether it’s on TV or in a magazine. However, the moments that outshine all of these are the times I have had the opportunity to make over friends or family members battling cancer. That inner confidence just makes you shine.
Since Hunter was a little girl, she has always been so intelligent. I had no doubt she would do something spectacular and would succeed in whatever she puts her mind to. I’m so proud of her blog! I’m ecstatic to see where her PR career takes her. Writing is one of Hunter’s gifts, and I’m beyond thrilled for her to share her talent with everyone.
Q: Hunter, so you just recently launched your blog. Can you tell us what your inspirations were to make this step?
I’ve wanted to start a blog for about two years now. After graduation, I realized how much I missed writing even though I sometimes dreaded it in college. My mother’s determination and relentless hard work has been an influential part in creating my blog. Also, my fiancé, Cameron, is an extremely talented photographer. [Secret: whether I ask him to or not, he’s always capturing moments of me.]
Hunter started her blog with no expectations. In her first month, she received readers from 49 states and over 10 COUNTRIES!
I’m having so much fun planning collaborations and connecting with people locally and all over the world. I love to write, and Cameron loves photography, so my ultimate goal is to keep having fun and see where it takes us.
With Mrs. Melissa and Hunter, the apple doesn’t fall very far from the tree.
Humility and respect have been the key to her success and longevity in her career. My mom is honestly Superwoman. She goes above and beyond for me every day and always will. The older I get, the more of her I see in myself.
Something surprising about us is that we have very different personalities! My mom is so much more of a go with the flow, spontaneous person, and I like to have a plan and goals for EVERYTHING. We balance each other out. She comes up with the ideas, and I plan and execute them. I couldn’t imagine a more perfect and admirable best friend.
#SquadGoals. It was a pleasure stepping into their lives for a day! Watch out Amber Fillerup—Hunter Schleicher is on the rise and isn’t stopping.
Follow Hunter on Instagram @hunterschleicher & her blog hunterschleicher.com
Follow Mrs. Melissa at @melissaschleicher. You aren’t going to want to miss a post.
Special thanks to Cameron Premo for his amazing photography.
xoxo, Team Curtsy
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