Curtsy News

Have Your Cake And Eat It Too. Meet Curtsy’s Sh*t Happens Coverage

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What happens when someone spills cake or pours champagne on your dress? Don’t worry, that’s why we have the “Sh*t Happens” coverage.

Have you heard of Curtsy? Get early access and sign up to win a $500 Revolve giftcard.

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How It Works.

We get it. We’re all human and occasionally we make mistakes. That’s why Curtsy has the Sh*t Happens coverage that always covers both the Renter and the dress Owner.

If a dress is damaged and it can be repaired, or if it can’t be repaired, we will cover the cost of repairing it or replacing it for you.

So go ahead, roll around in the grass with silly string, champagne, and whipped cream.
(but seriously…please don’t)

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What happens if I don’t return the dress?

We strive to provide a great experience for all Renters and Owners. If you don’t return he dress within 7 days after the due date, you will be charged for the retail price of the dress.

As a dress Owner, you will receive the retail price of your item if it is not returned within 7 days of the due date.

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Should I dry clean a rented dress?

We’ll leave that up to you! It’s always a nice gesture, especially if the dress isn’t looking its best. It’s not required though!


So now, you can have your cake, eat it too…and if you spill some, you’re covered!


xoxo, Team Curtsy

What is Curtsy?

Curtsy lets you borrow dresses without the awkward. Get early access here and enter to win a $500 Revolve gift card.

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